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- E-mail:182780872@qq.com
高价回收 BCM4708A0KFEBG P10 现金高价收购电子本公司长期现金收购各LCD液晶屏,手机LCD液晶屏,数码LCD液晶屏,数码相框液晶屏,MP4屏,GPS液晶屏,MP3屏,液晶屏等,回收7寸、8寸等回收各种尺寸的液晶屏。(1) 电子元件: IC、二三极管、电容、电阻、电感、电位器、连接器、晶振、滤波器、 变压器、功率模块、霍尔元件、发光管、直插DIP,贴片SMD、继电器等。高价回收 BCM4708A0KFEBG P10 (2) 数码产品配件: 主控芯片、解码芯片、收音模块、音频IC、电源管理芯片、充电器、 电池保护芯片、光接收管、激光头、机芯、液晶屏、 CF卡、SD卡等。 (3) 手机配件内存、芯片、震动器、主板、外壳、PCB光板、液晶屏、充电器、 数据线、蓝牙适配器、SD、MMC卡、读卡器、摄像头等。 (4) 电脑配件: 主机板、显卡、声卡、网卡、MODEM、硬盘、存储卡、光驱、键盘、鼠标、摄像头、显示器、CPU、内存芯片、内存条、南北桥芯片、散热器、连接器、机箱、电源、UPS等。 (5) 成品 MP3、MP4、DVD、U盘、音箱、复读机、电话机等,高价回收友达(AUO)、群创(INNOLUX)、乐金(LG)、三星(SAMSUNG)、天马(TIANMA)高价回收 BCM4708A0KFEBG P10
Cash High Price Acquisition Electronic Corporation's long-term cash acquisition of LCD LCD LCD screens, mobile LCD LCD LCD screens, digital LCD LCD LCD screens, digital frame LCD screens, MP4 screens, GPS LCD screens, MP3 screens, LCD screens, etc., recovery 7 inches, 8 inches and other recovered various sizes of LCD screens. (1) Electronic components: IC, diode, capacitor, resistor, inductor, potentiometer, connector, crystal vibration, filter, Transformer, power module, Hall component, luminous tube, direct insertion DIP, patch SMD, Relay, etc.. (2) Digital product accessories: master chip, decoding chip, radio module, audio IC, power management chip, charger, battery protection chip, optical receiving tube, laser head, movement, liquid crystal screen, CF card, SD card, etc.. (3) Mobile phone accessories memory, chips, vibrators, motherboards, shells, PCB panels, LCD screens, chargers, data wires, Bluetooth adapters, SD, MMC cards, card readers, cameras, etc.. (4) Computer accessories: motherboard, graphics card, sound card, network card, MODEM, hard disk, memory card, optical drive, keyboard, mouse, camera, display, CPU, memory chip, memory bar, North-South bridge chip, radiator, connector, chassis, power supply, UPS Wait. 高价回收 BCM4708A0KFEBG P10